I realize that it's been a few weeks since I've posted anything. Last night was of course the time-honored Super Bowl in the U.S. Usually, it's very difficult to watch football games here in Madrid; all the bars show soccer matches, since that's what the customers want to see. Once, A and I headed to an Irish bar to watch some of a Ravens game. The bartender later changed the channel once an important soccer game was about to air that the majority of the barflies wanted to see.
But yesterday was a day for the United States of glorious America--it was the Super Bowl! Of course because of the time difference, this meant the game would be starting at 12:30am for us, but it didn't matter. Many ex-pat Americans (and a large number of Spaniards) flooded the Hard Rock cafe in Madrid to watch the much-anticipated face-off between the Saints and the Colts. Although I only learned which teams were playing about 15 minutes before arriving at the restaurant, I was excited to watch football.
After living in Spain for several months, I have become more patriotic about the U.S. I was impressed with Queen Latifah's performance of "Oh Beautiful" and I loved hearing Carrie Underwood sing our national anthem. One of my American friends who joined us made me put my hand over my heart like I was in grade school again. It's amazing--I'm not even a big fan of football (I usually pester A and try to understand all the complicated calls), but that night, I became nostalgic for home.
Unfortunately, we missed the most important part of the Super Bowl--the commercials. Apparently, they showed UK commercials instead, which lacked the vulgar, stupid, senselessly violent characteristics that I have grown to admire in my American advertisements.
We stayed in the bar until a little after 2am. We had initially planned to stay awake all night for the game and then attend work the following day, but we became quite tired after The Who performed. It was a smart idea to leave early, especially since we had a full day of teaching Monday.
While we watched the Super Bowl, one of my friends was interviewed for an online Spanish newspaper. Here's the link to the page. If you click play on the picture, you see the guys interview a few people including a young woman who speaks English (my friend, of course). You can see my curly hair in the background as I am watching the tv and the delicious food passing by.
We are traveling next weekend! Can't wait!
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